Steven Paul is a huge hockey fan!  So much so, that he put a sign in his front yard showing his support for his beloved Tampa Bay Lightning which are headed to the Eastern Conference Finals in the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.


Steven's sign read - "Go Bolts", and that's all it said.  Mr. Paul showed his support in a simple way in a neighborhood with a tough home owner's association and strict by-laws.  In fact the home owner's association has a rule against any home displaying signs in the front yard, that are not security signs (IE - Protected by Brinks Security, etc).

A day after displaying his support in his front yard, Mr. Paul received a letter from his home owner's association telling him he needed to take the sign down due to the fact it was against home owners association by-laws (security signs only!).   Steven then took the advice of a blog post response from a user - TheLocoYoko to make a small modification to his sign to read:


And has left the sign posted in his front yard for everyone to see!

According to the article posted by Yahoo Sports, Steven Paul has not received a second notice to remove his sign, but the association did tell Mr. Paul that they will be discussing it in an upcoming meeting.  You can bet, by-laws will be amended to force Steven to take the sign down.

Have you ever out smarted your home owner's association or other entity by slipping through a loop-hole you found?  If so, tell us about it:

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