There's some changes in the latest's/Media poll as four number one ranked teams remain the same. Gillette, Torrington, Big Horn and Snake River held their top spots going into this weekend's games. In 4A, Sheridan lost to unranked Laramie last week 46-43 and dropped out of the top five from third. Natrona defeated Evanston on Saturday afternoon 40-38 and jumped from fifth to third. Evanston remains fourth and Laramie with their win over Sheridan is in at fifth. In 3A, number two Buffalo lost at home to fourth ranked Rawlins 64-63, but had enough votes to remain at second. Wheatland drops one to fourth after losing to top ranked Torrington 47-38, with Rawlins moving up to third. In 2A, Wyoming Indian and Kemmerer flip-flop in the number three, four spots as Kemmerer lost at Wyoming Indian, 65-58. And in 1A, St. Stephens moves down to third as they lost to Burlington at home 79-63, and Kaycee moves up one to second.


  1. Gillette (9-first place votes)                             17-2
  2. Rock Springs (1)                                                    17-2
  3. Natrona (1)                                                              13-5
  4. Evanston                                                                   15-5
  5. Laramie                                                                        8-9

Other teams receiving votes:  Sheridan


  1. Torrington (17)                                                      15-4
  2. Buffalo (2)                                                                 16-3
  3. Rawlins                                                                       13-5
  4. Wheatland                                                                 15-5
  5. Douglas                                                                       11-10

Other teams receiving votes:  Powell, Lander


  1. Big Horn (17)                                                            20-0
  2. Lovell (3)                                                                    17-2
  3. Wyoming Indian                                                      17-5
  4. Kemmerer                                                                   16-5
  5. Lusk                                                                                16-4

Other teams receiving votes:  Rocky Mountain, Pine Bluffs


  1. Snake River (12)                                                        21-0
  2. Kaycee                                                                           16-5
  3. St. Stephens                                                                 15-5
  4. Hanna                                                                             16-3
  5. Ten Sleep                                                                       14-5

Other teams receiving votes:  Burlington

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