I have discovered a rare video of the time Hank Williams Jr. almost played Casper. It’s an impromptu press conference after his performance was cancelled.

This is an amazing share by Fred Pfeiffer. According to his description on YouTube, Hank was supposed to play Casper during the winter of 1980. Yes, winter. That leads us to the reason why the show never happened. Lightning in Casper.

Since Hank Williams Jr. is truly a good ole boy, he decided to sit down for an interview with reporters in what looks like a hotel room. It’s over 11 minutes of Hank sharing deep thoughts about how he almost never has a show called off.

Only on an outdoor gig...hardly ever on an indoor...

If you look at the comments under the video, you’ll notice that there is disagreement on the date. One person thinks this show may have been in 1982 due to the age Hank Williams Jr. refers to himself as in the video. Another person noted that he played the show the next night plus Hank came back to Casper and played a show with The Kentucky Headhunters in 1990.

No matter, it’s still a sweet retro look back at the rich history of country concerts in Casper and the time when weather intervened.

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