Athletes, Take Responsibility! – Weekly Sports Blog [OPINION]
What up people? What a great start to the NBA playoffs, wouldn’t you say? I loved Kevin Durant’s comment in regard to game two, when reporters were asking him if he thought LeBron fouled him in the last minutes of the game…I missed the shot, was all he would say. I love that. I find that in any of the games we play there will be missed calls and calls that shouldn’t be calls. He was face-up.
Many of the athletes are just ready to start blaming and calling out other people. But Durant took responsibility for the fact that, he did miss the shot. Foul or no foul, he didn’t make it.
Moving on. And the bounty gate continues. On Monday Jonathan Vilma walked out of an appeals hearing, calling it a sham. Being a football fan for my entire life, when this whole thing hit the fan, I was appalled. Now, of course, it is just about suspensions and who is suing who. And the courtroom drama just continues.
I have listened to countless hours of banter regarding this whole situation, and couldn’t tell you beyond Greg Williams, who is guilty and who is not. The NFL, I don’t believe, will give the players association the hard evidence they have, because it would shatter the anonymity that was given to those that did come forward. It’s kind of a catch-22.
Who knows how this is all going to play out. Right now, I’m going to enjoy what’s left of the NBA playoffs, which has to this point, been extremely entertaining to say the least. I love watching two great talented teams go head to head. The competition is outstanding! Until next time…