For an ostensibly red state, Wyoming has become ground zero for Democratic Party candidates for President.

In addition to former President Bill Clinton in Cheyenne on Monday, and Jane Sanders in both Casper and Cheyenne Monday and Tuesday, Bernie Sanders himself will hold a rally in Laramie on Tuesday.

Here is the announcement...

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday will travel to Wyoming. The Democratic Party presidential candidate will hold a rally in Laramie. Sanders will discuss a wide range of issues, including getting big money out of politics, his plan to make public colleges and universities tuition-free, combating climate change and ensuring universal health care.
Tuesday, April 5
Doors Open at 5 p.m. A Future to Believe In Laramie Rally, University of Wyoming, Arts & Sciences Auditorium, 1000 E University Ave, Laramie
Information for the public: This event is free and open to the public, but RSVP's are strongly encouraged.

The program itself will begin at 8pm.

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