Find Thrills, Chills, Soaps and Suds at Haunted Car Wash in Casper This Weekend
Broke: Haunted House
Woke: Haunted Hospital/Office/Barn
Bespoke: Haunted Car Wash

We love a good haunted house. Truth be told, we love a good haunted anything. Like, put us in a haunted daycare, or a haunted dentist's office, or a haunted anything, really, and we're as happy as a clam.
But even we have to admit we've never considered the possibility of a haunted car wash. Luckily, Wash and Glow in Casper has considered the possibility and, not only that - they actually created one and it's open this weekend!
The Haunted Car Wash is the brain child of owner Mark Cowen.
"We have a couple car washes in Rock Springs and we did a haunted car wash in Rock Springs and had a lot of fun with it, so we decided to do it in Casper," Cowen told K2 Radio News. "Basically, the idea behind it is to decorate the car wash up, put some characters and some actors in there, and kind of make it like a terror tunnel at an amusement park."
Entertainment and a wash for your car? Sounds good to us.
Cowen said this opportunity served as a way to get the car wash's employees involved in the fun. Everybody agrees that Halloween is the best holiday, he said, so the car wash employees wanted to show off their spooky side as well.
"Obviously we want to make money," Cowen laughed. "But the other, most important thing, is that we wanted to get the car wash employees involved. And one of the things they really like is Halloween. A lot of them would dress up and we'd pass out candy at the car washes and people really liked that. But then we just thought, 'Let's take this to the next level."
This is not the 'ride' for you if you're claustrophobic. Or if you have aversions to people literally entering your car.
"People being stuck in a car wash is a great opportunity to scare them," Cowen said. "There's a lot of people that are scared of car washes anyway (really??), and so now you're stuck in this car wash and you can't go anywhere. So it's a great opportunity to put a little fear in the car wash."
We honestly have never heard of people being afraid of the car wash before, but it makes sense. It's dark, it's loud, there's no escape. Truth be told, that's the perfect setup for a scare sesh. We're surprised Blumhouse hasn't produced a movie about it yet.
"There will be decorations of course," Cowen stated. "And then there'll be characters in costume. There will be characters that, if your vehicle is unlocked, they might enter your vehicle. It'll just be a scary good time."
Tickets are $20 per car, and you can fit as many people as you want into the car, Cowen said. So if everybody pitches in 5 bucks, it can be experience that is more than worth the money.
The Haunted Car Wash is happening Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Wash and Glow is located at 4055 Plaza Drive, next to the Westside Walmart.
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