Free Tax Help For Wyomingites Of Modest Means
Paying the government can be taxing enough, and though there are online “do it yourself” tax programs available, not everyone can do their own. Low-income households can get help with their taxes from several free service programs throughout the state of Wyoming!
Wyoming Free Tax Service is an organization of volunteers who are IRS certified, offering tax return services for free to families of “modest incomes.” This site has a list of cities throughout Wyoming, offering free tax services for those who qualify, including in Casper, at the old True Oil Building, 350 Big Horn, Casper, WY. They’re offering services from now through April 12th, 2018. (Click here for days and times)
United Way has free tax preparation services in several counties including Albany County, where they’re set up at the Albany County Public Library, 310 S. 8th Street, Laramie, WY. Click on their events calendar to find out the days and times!
Wyoming 211 would like people in Cheyenne to know that there are free tax services being offered through United Way of Laramie County, in the CCI Room 144, at Laramie County Community College, 1400 E. College Drive, Cheyenne, WY. Volunteer tax agents will take people on a first come first serve basis. For more information on days and times of services, you can contact Rod Hottle at 307-638-8904, or by email at, or you can click on Wyoming 211.
If you’re wanting to find free tax preparation services near you by way of your zip code, you can search on the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, (VISTA) and Tax Counselling for the Elderly (TCE) website!
All of these sites tell you what you need to bring with you, eligibility guidelines and what tax returns they can prepare for you, so if it’s been awhile since you’ve had your taxes done, or needing help preparing your tax returns, it’s nice to know that there’s help throughout the state of Wyoming, and if you’re eligible, it’s FREE!
The IRS has got what it takes to take what you’ve got. Keep it to your fair share.