A'Salt Creek Roller Girls

Casper's own A'Salt Creek Roller Girls take the track again this Saturday as they host the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls in "Girls Just Want To Draw Blood". Doors open at 6, and the bout starts at 7. Proceeds from this bout will help Paws2Help, a local homeless animal charity. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door, and children under 10 are $5. (Firefighters and EMT's get in for free!) You can buy them at Sonic Rainbow, Kim's Closet, Nate's Flowers, and our studios at 150 N. Nichols. Click here for a chance to win free A'Salt seating.

Heather Havokk


Heather Havokk - ACRG
Heather Havokk - ACRG

Number: 006


Real Name: Heather


Profession: Waitress


How long have you been skating: 10 months

Why Derby?:  It was the only sport I haven’t tried. I was very interested in derby but never had the courage to try it until I finally met an ACRG member

Describe one positive aspect that derby has brought to your life: Definitely confidence.  I used to be really shy and timid.

Can’t leave the house without…: my phone and something to draw with!

Likes:  Art, music, sports, books, anything steampunk J

Despises: Close-mindedness L

Life Outside of Derby: A lot of things, poi, art, music, video games, anything I find interesting really

Favorite Quote: “My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.” Henry Rawlins

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