Casper's own A'Salt Creek Roller Girls take the track again this Saturday as they host the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls in "Girls Just Want To Draw Blood". Doors open at 6, and the bout starts at 7. Proceeds from this bout will help Paws2Help, a local homeless animal charity. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door, and children under 10 are $5. (Firefighters and EMT's get in for free!) You can buy them at Sonic Rainbow, Kim's Closet, Nate's Flowers, and our studios at 150 N. Nichols. Click here for a chance to win free A'Salt seating.

 Pretty Perilous

Pretty Perilous - ACRG

Number: 23

Reason for your Name: The reasoning behind my name was that I wanted something that said good-looking yet dangerous. Marilyn and Bettie are pretty common in roller derby names as they embody beauty and sexiness and everything a pinup girl stands for, so they were out. So pretty came to mind. Then I just had to find an adjective that started with “P” so as to alliterate the name as I find that to be fun. Hence Pretty Perilous was born.

Loves: I love being a blocker because it is strategical as well as having more contact with other skaters. I am also wide in the hips and shoulders, so go with what you have!

Despises: I dislike being a blocker in the respect that being a jammer is so much more glamorous and you get to skate faster!

Why you joined Derby: I joined roller derby because Melanie brought the idea to me and I thought it would be fun. Then I watched the L.A. Derby Dolls on youtube and it made me get goosebumps and I knew I was in love!

Life Outside of Derby: My life outside of derby is work and kids. I have two beautiful girls that are so funny individually and together. They keep me busy as they both destructive! Like mother like daughter, as they say. HULK SMASH!!

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