Over the last few days, fires have been very active. The high winds and dry conditions have caused many issues for families.

Fire safety in your home should be a high priority to ensure your family knows what to do in case a fire breaks out. Unfortunately, thousands of deaths are caused by home fires every year that could have been prevented by having safety measures in place.

In most cases, homes that catch fire don't have the proper safety equipment or safety protocols in place to make safety a high priority. Spending just a few minutes every month practicing your fire safety drills can be the difference between life or death.

The National Fire Protection Association's report on Home Structure Fires from 2015 to 2019 showed that fire departments all over the United States responded to 346,800 house fires yearly. 2,260 people died, over 11,000 were injured, and over $7.3 billion in damage occurred.

Most of the deaths occurred due to five leading causes:

  1. Cooking
  2. Heating
  3. Electrical
  4. Intentional
  5. Smoking

There's no doubt that family preparedness can prevent loss of life in a home fire. Having the proper safety measures and procedures in place and practicing them every month can give your family another tool in the toolbox to prevent a tragedy.

Thanks to organizations like the NFPA, NFSCUS Fire Administration, and local, state, and federal fire departments, the steps taken to ensure your safety have made major advances.

Hundreds of kids die in home fires every year, and organizations like Safekids.org are striving to make sure that kids and their parents know what they should do in case of a fire. With the addition of synthetic materials, engineered wood, larger homes, modern doors & windows, and overall home design, flames can spread through a home much more quickly today than 50 years ago.

Here Are Fire Safety Steps For Your Family

Thanks to our friends at the City of Mills Fire Department and Alertall.com these steps should be discussed and practiced with your entire family and anyone else that lives with you.

Gallery Credit: Drew Kirby/Canva

LOOK: Crater Ridge Fire Burning In Wyoming

The Crater Ridge fire ignited in the Bighorn National Forest in mid-July. Since then, it has grown to more than 6,000 acres in size. As of August 30, the fire is 52% contained.

Gallery Credit: All images via InciWeb

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