A Big Run To Raise Money For Vets In Casper
How 'in shape' do you need to be to help veterans? Any level of fitness is good enough to help out.
The 2nd Annual Heroes 5K is coming to the Tate Pumphouse on April 27. The money raised will go toward the Heroes scholarship at the University of Wyoming at Casper, as well as supporting the 22 Strong Suicide Awareness group and the student veteran support fund.
It only costs $40 for nonstudents or veterans and only $20 for them if they want to participate.
If you're not a runner but capable of walking 3.1 miles, that's perfect. Finishing and raising money for veterans should be your number one goal. You can still participate even if you haven't trained for a 5k. Typically, experts advise training for a 5k a couple of months in advance, but we're close to this event, so you'll need to get moving.

One way you can start preparing is by getting out and walking or running now and getting your body used to that extra cardio. If you've been a runner or walker but have taken time off, ease yourself into it. If you've been a couch potato and need motivation to get out there, you don't want to get crazy initially. Be safe, and don't overdo it; you could end up hurting yourself.
Very Well Fit.com suggests that beginners try a Run/ Walk method.
The run/walk method involves switching between running and a walking at timed intervals. The idea is that the planned walk breaks are a form of active recovery and can be a simple and effective way to avoid injury, boost motivation for running, and improve endurance.
Using the run/walk method can also help break up long distances into manageable amounts and reduce discomfort. For example, a study of non-elite marathon runners found that those who followed a run/walk strategy for the race achieved similar finish times with less muscle pain and fatigue than those who didn't take scheduled walk breaks.
If you're a beginner, Very Well Fit.com has suggestions for getting going.
- Set realistic goals, and don't overdo it at the beginning.
- Establish a warm-up.
- Complete the goals you've set for yourself.
- Build on your success.
- Set your pace.
- Build endurance.
- Improve your time.
- Drink water.
- Invest in a watch to keep accurate information and monitoring for your body.
- Use proper equipment, like running shoes, socks, clothing, and accessories.
- Breathe.