One thing is true of Wyomingites; we love our dogs. Beartrap Summer Festival is proof of that. One of my favorite parts is taking photos of all the dogs each year. I'm not alone in this. People always light up when I ask them for a photo of their pup. They are our families. They are our psychologists. They are more than man's best friend. This is a celebration of all things canine.

In fact, we even have Merchidse for the pups this year. The first ever puppy-approved Beartrap bandana. They are paw-dorable and drool-safe. We have a few vendors just for the pups, too. Sit Mean Sits has guidance and training.

We also have B's Treats Wyo. They specialize in natural dog treats. It might be surprising, but dogs have allergies like us people, too. So, if your dog can't tolerate wheet, they have options for you.

The Dogs of Beartrap Summer Festival 2023

We will continue to add new photos as we get them. So, keep coming back for more adorableness.

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