Remembering the Wyoming Cassette Many Had Nearly 30 Years Ago
I was reminded today of a different musical era in Wyoming. Did you (or do you) own this throwback cassette featuring the songs of Wyoming?
I owe this memory to a Reddit conversation the other day about Songs of Wyoming. If you remember it, it came out way back in 1990. I found it on Amazon which fortunately also included the track listing.
One guy on Reddit commented that it allegedly came with the house they bought:
Yup, came with the house when I moved to Wyoming. Still sitting on the shelf in the garage.
Any album/cassette that included a Chris LeDoux song can't be bad, right?
I'm curious how common this cassette was back in the day. Did you own it? It's still available on Amazon for a mere $14.99 (plus $3.99 shipping) if you're feeling nostalgic.