Service Dog Could Change The Life Of Casper Boy Born With Rare Disease

Agenesis of Corpus Callosum (ACC) is a rare disorder that is present at birth.
The symptoms of this disease can include seizures, learning disabilities, trouble with both gross and fine motor functions, and behavior issues. You can learn more by following this link to RareDiseases.org.
A local Casper boy, James was diagnosed with this disorder at the age of 15 months and is now 9 years old.
When I asked his mother, Jessica, to share with us what it was like to have a son with ACC she said,
We all have challenges. Some seen and some unseen. I think the most challenging thing about being a special needs parent is dealing with all the little things that nobody else ever sees. Yes, being James’ mom can be hard sometimes because of melt downs, because he can’t talk to me, because he has therapy everyday, and because he wakes up at 5 am everyday! But he is such a joy! He is happy, he is athletic, he is thoughtful, he is observant, he is smart.
Through research, James' family learned that a service dog may offer much-needed support for both James and his family, and they are currently working to add a service dog into James’ life to help him safely navigate his home, school, and community.
4 Paws For Ability is a worldwide organization that strives to enrich the lives of people with disabilities by placing life-changing service dogs worldwide. 4 Paws envisions a world where people with disabilities can realize their full potential one service dog at a time.
It costs 4 Paws between $40,000-$60,000 to raise, train, and place a service dog.
Jessica and her family are currently trying to raise the $17,000 needed to bring a service dog to Casper for her son.
When I asked her what this service dog would mean for James and her family she said,
If we can get this service dog for James, it means we will have someone to help with behavior interventions. Someone to help him walk around school or wherever we go without falling down. We can go to medical appointments without fear! He will have more opportunities for social growth and spend more time with his peers.
If you'd like to learn more about ACC and James, or help his family in their quest for a service dog you can follow this link.