
Former Boston Red Sox Clubhouse Manager Involved in New Child Abuse Scandal
Former Boston Red Sox Clubhouse Manager Involved in New Child Abuse Scandal
Former Boston Red Sox Clubhouse Manager Involved in New Child Abuse Scandal
After the recent Penn State and Syracuse abuse scandals, allegations about another team official have surfaced, this time on the pro level involving a former Red Sox clubhouse manager. Donald Fitzpatrick, who died in 2005, worked for the Red Sox in the early 1990s. An accuser has claimed that Fitzpatrick sexually assaulted him in the clubhouse restroom when the accuser was 16 years old. Read Mor
Penn State Coach Joe Paterno Fired Amidst Scandal
Penn State Coach Joe Paterno Fired Amidst Scandal
Penn State Coach Joe Paterno Fired Amidst Scandal
The Penn State Board of Trustees announced Thursday it is firing longtime football coach Joe Paterno, as well as university president Graham Spanier. Both officials are accused of not reporting to police knowledge of sexual abuses against children by a member of their staff.