Wyoming’s Snake River Canyon Named One of the Best River Trips
We already knew this, but Wyoming's Snake River Canyon was just named one of the best river trips in America. Duh.
This is actually a pretty decent honor from a national website/magazine. Sunset Magazine listed what they consider to be the 10 best river trips in the West. Right near the top, they call out the Snake River Canyon in Wyoming.
Let me say out loud that I realize that the Snake River goes through states other than Wyoming. But, Sunset Magazine agrees that the Wyoming part is heads and tail better than the others. They specifically mention the Jackson Lake Dam to Pacific Creek part of the river as epic. That's right about here on a map.
One other river trip that Sunset lists that deserves an honorable mention is the Green River in Utah. It's not that far away from Casper and really stands out because of all the red rock canyons you raft through. Very nice, but there's not a bad river on this list.
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