Casper Police Offer Class To Keep Women Safe In Digital Age
The digital world can be a dangerous one, and sometimes women face unique threats as they move through this internet age. The Casper Police Department is offering a special class to women only on August 2nd, to help outline the dangers of cellular applications and social media that so many use every day.
"Women's Safety In The Digital Era" will be taught by Michele Stuart with JAG Investigations, and is open to women ages 14 and older. The cost, to help defray the cost of the speaker, is $15.00 for advance registration and $18.00 at the door. You'll find more event information below, along with a link to purchase tickets. Here's a description of the class from Casper Police:
"Predators have a whole new "tool box" with today's technology! They can stalk, harass, cyber bully and physically locate individuals without much trouble at all. Cellular applications are just one of many ways that pinpoints your location. This class will also cover open sources, which anyone can use, to establish and obtain personal information about a person. This obtained information can lead to someone being harassed, followed, damage being done to their personal property, the monitoring of cell phones and computers, posting false information on the internet , and threats to hurt you or your family. This class will assist you in how to learn to control you and your family's personal information and keeping it out of the hands of someone who wants to harm you!"
"Women's Safety In The Digital Era":
- Thursday, August 2nd, 6:30 pm-7:30pm.
- The Lyric, 230 W. Yellowstone Highway, Casper
- Advance Purchase - $15.00 at Eventbrite, click HERE At the Door - $18.00