Star Wars is in the air! This week holds two unofficial holidays: Star Wars Day (May The Forth Be With You) and Return of The Fifth. But this year, the month of May also holds another iconic event, the opening of Solo: A Star Wars Story, on May 25th, 2018.

To prepare you for the iconic event, the Natrona County Library is hosting Star Wars Trivia For Adults.

Rebels and Imperials: Do you know the difference between a Mynock and Gundark or in which docking bay the Millennium Falcon was kept on Mos Eisley? Celebrate the new Star Wars Story, Solo, by sporting your favorite Star Wars-themed costume and heading to the Natrona County Library for an afternoon of Star Wars trivia, snacks, and prizes for adults on May 19th at 3 p.m.

Trivia will cover Episodes I-VIII and Rogue One. WyoMovies gift cards will be awarded to the winning team. Register individually or your team of up to five players at the library’s adult reference desk, by calling 307-577.READ ext 2 or emailing

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