The Casper Police Department held their annual awards banquet Wednesday afternoon at the Casper Events Center.

This is the gathering that honors not only outstanding work by officers of the department, but civilians who went above and beyond. Here are this year's awards.

Officer of the Year
Andrea Husted
Detective of the Year
Mitch Baker
Sergeant of the Year
Lyle Berg
PTO of the Year
Charlie Simons
PSCC Employee of the Year
John Benardis
Civilian Employee of the Year
Jacci Warne
Community Partner of the Year
Patti Nelson


The Officer of the Quarter Award is awarded to the Officer displaying superior sustained performance.
1ST QUARTER— Alyssa Baedke
2ND QUARTER— Jacob Carlson
3RD QUARTER— Andrea Husted
4TH QUARTER— Adam Uhrich


The Life Saving Medal consists of a certificate, medal, and red ribbon. The award is presented to any department member for saving a human life. The award is for prolonging human life to the extent of the victim being released to the care of medical authorities, even if the victim expires at a later time.
Shannon Cole, Michael Concepcion, Don Crow, Michael Graham, Jesse Jones, Scott Jones, Marcus Maton, Amanda Munoz, Michael Roden, Adam Uhrich, Seth Wheeler
Mark Davis, Bryce Parmely,
Cole Goodsell


Certificates of Commendation are presented to employees for acts or services done in the line of duty that reflect high quality and professionalism in the performance of their duties.
Alyssa Baedke, Austin Birkle, Matthew Bowman, Shannon Cole, Justin Edberg, Tiffany Elhart, Walker Galloway, Chris Henry, Andrea Husted, Terry Jackson, Marcus Maton, Michael Paschke, Jonathan Peterson, Geri Reble, Jonathan Schlager, Adam Uhrich, Seth Wheeler, Jason Wittler


Certificates of Commendation are presented to employees for acts or services done in the line of duty that reflect high quality and professionalism in the performance of their duties.
Emily Anthony, John Benardis, Addy Eckhart, Heidi Gehlhaar, Jill Hickstein, Matt Lemm, Amanda Munoz, Vickie VanNorman, Esmeralda Vega


The Unit Commendation Bar, citation and certificate may be conferred upon an organizational unit of the Department that has distinguished itself by either valorous or meritorious achievement, which renders the unit outstanding compared to other units performing similar service. The accomplishment must have been performed uniformly as a team in a manner fully justifying collective recognition.
K-9 Unit— Officer Baedke/K-9 Vinn; Officer Wheeler/K-9 Patrick; Officer Krugler/K-9 Elwin
TEAM 2— William Cassidy, Scott Cogdill, Michael Concepcion, Chris Cook, Don Crow, Benjamin Flake, Chris Henry, Greg Graff, Jonathan Munday, Geri Reble, Jeremy Tipton, Zack Winter


Special Recognition is presented to employees for faithful service and dedication to the citizens of the community that reflect high quality and professionalism in the performance of their duties.
Officer Carl Krugler and K-9 Elwin / Detective Shannon Daley and K-9 Bear

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